About Us

What is 4paws?

Our Start

Four Paws is a registered NPO (Non-Profit Organisation), established in July 2006

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life of underprivileged animals. In our urban surroundings, the main categories are: squatter camp animals and feral cats.

Our Vision

To expand, by obtaining more vehicles, employ more fieldworkers, to enable us to reach more underprivileged animals. Eventually, we are striving towards having our own Animal Clinic with a qualified Veterinarian.

Our Active Projects:

The main problem in these poor areas is that people simply do not have the means, transport or finances to provide their animals with basic health care and veterinary treatment. As a result, many animals suffer unnecessary, while others die a slow, painful death. Overpopulation results in numbers no community can sustain, and many animals die from starvation.We provide primary health care services, veterinary treatments and sterilizations, free of charge.

The problems with our underprivileged animals are:

  • Malnutrition, insufficient shelter & a lack of food and water.
  • Animals become sick and injured and there is no medical care available. Animals get knocked over by cars on the roads, because there are no fences. Dogs are put on chains mainly due to a lack of education.
  • Animals are multiplying uncontrollably because there are no sterilisation programmes.
  • Communicable diseases like distemper, parvo, snuffles, etc. are spreading, because animals are not vaccinated.
  • Unwanted animals, especially litters of puppies and kittens, due to overpopulation.


What we do:

  • Dipping and de-worming to prevent internal and external parasites.
  • Intensive sterilisation campaigns to prevent overpopulation and straying of animals over the roads in mating seasons.
  • Removal of unwanted animals and re-homing to suitable homes.
  • Vaccination to prevent deadly diseases.
  • Veterinary treatment for injuries and diseases.
  • Education about proper pet care.
  • Humane euthanasia of terminally ill animals.
  • Confiscation of animals where intentional cruelty occurs

Feral cats are a direct result of humans’ irresponsibility not to have their cats sterilised, starting many years ago. This has resulted in a huge overpopulation of cats and kittens living on the streets, multiplying even more.

The facts about our underprivileged cats are:

  • People want to “get rid” of ferals, when in fact it is impossible to get rid of them.
  • There are thousands of ferals living all over in our surroundings.
  • Where ferals are removed, a void is created and ferals from other areas soon fill that void.
  • A sterilised feral colony will not allow other ferals to move in.
  • Ferals keep the rat population under control, as rats are attracted to the same areas as ferals, normally where food is thrown away.
  • Feeding ferals will ensure good health and minimize the spreading of diseases. Feeding ferals will not stop them from hunting rats, as hunting is a basic instinct.
  • Ferals who are forced to live on rats and mice only, suffer from malnutrition and diseases.
  • Ferals are being shot, poisoned and trapped & drowned all over by people


What we do:

  • Trap, sterilise and release ferals.
  • Educate people about ferals.
  • Encourage people to take responsibility for ferals in their area and feed them.
  • Trap as many feral kittens as we can, tame and re-home them, instead of letting them grow up on the streets. It is however, a very difficult and time-consuming process to tame feral cats.

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