Rescue Stories

Most of our pets have come from seriously disadvantaged backgrounds and have frequently undergone rehabilitation and re-socialising activities at the 4Paws Animal Shelter.

A sincere “thank you” to everyone who has made a contribution to the well-being and rescue of these animals! You have certainly made a difference in this world! 


Hi, I’m Lando!  When I was rescued and taken to 4Paws Shelter, nobody expected me to survive.  I was so tiny and sick, but thanks to the loving care I received at the Shelter, I’m now a fat, happy kitten.

Picture: Life is just purrrrfect!


Hi I’m Mona,

I’m one of the puppies who was recently cared for by the 4Paws Animal Shelter.  In fact, I was featured on the front page along with all my siblings.  We were all rescued as tiny babies and fostered so well by the Shelter that we’ve all grown into beautiful, strong puppies.  I’ve just been adopted by a wonderful family and here’s a pic of me with my new bestie, going to my new home for the first time.  I’m sure I will have a terrific life ahead of me, all because I had such a great start at 4Paws.  Thanks to everyone who has made donations to the Shelter, allowing them to take such fantastic care of all of us!

Picture: Mona on her way to her new home, saying goodbye to the Shelter.


Well now isn’t this the life! I have been adopted by an awesome family and I’m now living in the lap of luxury! Thanks to everyone at 4Paws who cared for me and my pals. Life just couldn’t get better!

It’s frequently difficult to rehome dogs of a certain age, as was the case with our beautiful girl Crystal. It takes a very special family to welcome an older dog into their home and we are deeply grateful to the awesome family who adopted our girl.

Picture: Crystal – such a lady in her giant bed!


This is Jade – a blast from the past (adopted last year)- she came to the shelter about 4 years ago and we thought she would never find a home as she was so nervous – but there is a special home for all our furry friends.

Picture: Our beautiful girl, Jade!


Hi everyone!  I used to be Lassie (cos I’m a bit of a collie) but I’m now known as Nyx.  I love my new name, love my new family, love my new car and especially love my new collar and leash.  That means lots of walks.  Yay!  Thanks to the team at 4Paws Animal Shelter who were so devoted to my care and thanks to the public for helping to keep us well-fed and warm.

Picture: Nyx going to her new home!


Hi I’m Baloo.  My new family is so awesome they even bought me a new scratching pole.  Here I am attempting to do my daily exercise before I take a nap in the sunshine.

Picture: Baloo doing her pole dancing routine!


Hi I’m Max,  Here I am at the Shelter but I’ve just been adopted by a wonderful family and can’t wait to start exploring.  Thanks to everyone who contributed to the awesome care I received at 4Paws.  I’m such a lucky guy.

Picture: Mr. Max


Bella making up for lost time! I know my new owners love me so much already, but are so many blankets and toys necessary!  Thank you 4Paws, for taking such great care of me and finding me such a wonderful new home.

Picture: Bella and her new bestie!

Prince and Jamie

Hi, we are Prince and Jamie.  We were siblings at the Shelter and now we’ve been lucky enough to be adopted together.  How cool is that!  Thanks to our new parents and a huge thank you for everyone who has donated to the Shelter and provided so well for us.

Picture: Prince and Jamie are best friends!


Hi I’m Julie,

Someone really kind has adopted me and here I am in my new garden.  I haven’t found my way around yet but I’m going to have such fun exploring.

Thanks to everyone who contributed their time and donations to keep 4Paws Animal Shelter thriving.  We wouldn’t be adopted into such wonderful homes with your support!

Picture: Julie about to explore her new garden!


What a lucky guy!  Already posing in his new garden.  Thanks to everyone who helped pay for his care!

Picture: Enjoying the new garden and some sunshine!


Batman left today to start his new life in a beautiful home with 2 very spoilt dogs and 3 very spoilt cats, and some very accommodating adults to play with and look after him.

Picture: Batman at his new home!


Lion has luckily gone to a new home which he shares with another rescued pet.  Janice was so committed to having him, she paid for his eye operation.  He is now happily at home being entertained by his new friend and mother.

Picture: Lion looking very important!

2018 Love Paws Benefit Concert

Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in this wonderful event.  All monies raised is for animal charities and we are proud to be a beneficiary.   Thanks to our amazing home-grown talent for making it such a great day!

Bandit and Goldie

So very comfortable in our new home.  Many thanks to Helen (Dairnfern Valley) for adopting us.  Such lucky girls!


Hi I’m Slick.  I was one of the ‘models’ for the professional photographer and now I’ve been adopted into a new home/  Such a lucky girl.  Thanks to 4Paws Animal Shelter’s excellent care, I grew into a real beauty, don’t you agree?

Picture: Glamour-girl!

Leo and Snowy

Recently our two white cats, Leo and Snowy were adopted by Carel and family and they will soon be joined by 2 more kittens from our Shelter.  Thanks so much, Carel, for providing such a wonderful home for our pets.

Picture: Already completely at home!

Studio Three Salon

Michelle from Studion Three (Chartwell Market) ran a competition and the 4Paws Animal Shelter was the beneficiary.  Thank Michelle, for your continued support.


Hi, I’m Cody,

Just look at me chilling in my new home with my new best friend.  Grateful thanks to everyone at 4Paws who took such good care of me when I was ‘homeless’ and a big, big thank you to all the sponsors and donors who contributed to my care.

Picture: Cody, very happy to have found a new home!

Buddy Caught in a Snare

Dear Supporters, 

We were approached by the concerned staff of a company close to Brits, regarding a feral colony living on their premises. They asked if we could trap and sterilise the cats and also informed us that one of the cats is seriously injured. We managed to catch the cat and took him to our vet, who strongly believes the injury was caused by n snare. After several treatments, this cat is now safe and sound at our shelter and on his way to recovery. Every life deserves a chance, and today we are grateful to have been part of this cat’s journey to a better tomorrow.

We will continue to look out for those who cannot speak for themselves and together, with YOUR HELP, we can create a brighter future for all creatures!


Send this to your friends and family, please.

Nominate us as one of your MySchool beneficiaries.
Donate all your jumble, books, household items, furniture, bedding, kitchenware etc, to us that you do not need anymore.

Thank you and kind regards,
The 4Paws team

Banking Details: NEDBANK, Fourways, Account: 1684133556. Branch: 198765

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